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By: Carolina Sznajderman Sheir, Esq. and Alessandra Stivelman, Esq. It is estimated that 70 percent of Floridians either live in a community association such as a condominium or homeowner’s association. With residents living in relatively close quarters to their neighbors and sharing common areas, it’s understandable there is a rising concern and heightened anxiety about...
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Loud Noises, Foul Odors, Shake the Walls Vibrations, Barking Dogs and Late Night Dancers – Is it a Nuisance? WHAT: Condominium residents and board members are invited to attend a free Condo Rights Workshop to explore a variety of nuisance topics: from loud noises at all hours, barking dogs, cigarette smoke, confrontations with neighbors, hoarding...
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One of the biggest complaints expressed by association unit owners is the lack of transparency and/or access to information regarding the operations of the association. It seems that vital operative documents such as the Declaration, By-Laws, meeting minutes, contracts, and bank statements are a mystery to most owners. This mystery is actually a myth, as...
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HOMEOWNERS ORDERED TO ARBITRATION Hayslip v. U.S. Home Corp., 276 So. 3d 109 (Fla. 2d DCA 2019)A Several years after purchasing a home from the original buyers, the Hayslips discovered defects in the stucco system and sued the developer for construction defects and violation of the Florida Building Code. The developer moved to compel arbitration...
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Serving on the board of directors of a community association, whether it is a condominium or homeowners association or a co-op, comes with a lot of responsibility. Part of being a successful leader is identifying potentially problematic situations and knowing when to ask for professional help. Jed Frankel, a partner with Eisinger Law, identifies the...
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1. Review and Update Insurance Policies. All insurance policies should be reviewed and updated as necessary, at least annually. Review dates should be calendared well in advance and incorporated into other annual must-do tasks. 2. Maintain Landscaping and Ensure Potential Projectiles are Secured. Trees and shrubbery grow extensively in Florida’s wet, summer months, causing potential...
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