Un propietario o residente padece de discapacidad física y solicita la instalación de una rampa en las áreas comunes, o alguna otra modificación estructural a la propiedad que le permite el uso y disfruto de la propiedad. ¿Qué obligación tiene la asociación de cumplir con dicha petición? Como siempre, la respuesta legal más común es...Read More
HOMEOWNERS ORDERED TO ARBITRATION Hayslip v. U.S. Home Corp., 276 So. 3d 109 (Fla. 2d DCA 2019)A Several years after purchasing a home from the original buyers, the Hayslips discovered defects in the stucco system and sued the developer for construction defects and violation of the Florida Building Code. The developer moved to compel arbitration...Read More
If a Unit Owner who suffers from a disability which impairs mobility requests the installation of a ramp on the common elements, or some other structural modification to permit him/her the beneficial use and enjoyment of the property, is the Association obligated to comply? As always, the legal answer is “it depends”. A reasonable modification...Read More