If a Unit Owner who suffers from a disability which impairs mobility requests the installation of a ramp on the common elements, or some other structural modification to permit him/her the beneficial use and enjoyment of the property, is the Association obligated to comply? As always, the legal answer is “it depends”. A reasonable modification...Read More
Associations Now Liable for Third Party Violations of Hostile Environment Harassment Laws The Fair Housing Act (FHA) was amended in 2016 to prohibit quid pro quo (“this for that”) and hostile environment harassment in connection with the sale, rental and availability of housing. Pursuant to 24 CFR Section 100.7(a)(1)(iii), the amendment also applies conduct by...Read More
Samantha Joseph, Daily Business Review There’s no smoking allowed in attorney Dennis Eisinger’s condominium projects. Not in the units. Not at the pool. Not in the parking garage. And if Eisinger had his way, that would be the case in every Florida condominium. “Smokers are not a protected class” under the federal Fair Housing Act, he said....Read More