December 31, 2016: Deadline for Fire Sprinkler Opt Out
Highrise condominium associations that have not opted out of the fire sprinkler retrofitting requirements face an upcoming December 31 deadline. Existing, high rise residential buildings were originally required to be retrofitted with an automatic safety or engineered life system by the end of 2014. Thereafter, the Condominium Act was amended to allow highrise condominiums to opt out of certain of these retrofitting requirements. However, an association that is not in compliance with the requirements for a fire sprinkler system and has not
voted to forego retrofitting must by December 31, 2016 initiate an application for a building permit to install the required sprinklers. The association must then become compliant by December 31, 2019.
Any association that has not yet opted out and is interested in doing so, should consider its options, including the option to take a waiver vote, as a precautionary measure. There are specific requirements for noticing and conducting the opt out meeting. While a successful waiver vote will not do away with all fire safety obligations, they will not be as extensive (or as expensive) as the otherwise required sprinkler retrofitting.
Retrofitting report forms may be found at the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes, Fire Safety Retrofitting page:
If you would like to us to help your association schedule an opt out meeting or have questions regarding the fire sprinkler retrofit, please contact us via email, .